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发布日期:2024-10-10    点击数:




























The Regulations on The Management of Foreign Teachers in Changzhi Medical College

In order to strengthen the management of foreign teachers in Changzhi Medical College, the Foreign Affairs Department has formulated these regulations based on Chinese relevant laws and regulations and the actual situation of our college, the specific terms are as follows:

1. Working Management

(1) Please submit your passport, entry visa and eight 2-inch ID photos to the Foreign Affairs Department (FAD) within three days after your arrival for all the necessary certificates.

(2) The Foreign Affairs Department will help with the related process regarding residence permit when you complete the contract and plan to leave or renew the contract.  

(3) Your teaching assignment will be arranged and managed by  Foreign Language Teaching Department. In order to cooperate with you in terms of teaching affairs, they will work out the regulations of teaching and scientific research, as well as management rules in the period of our contract. You are required to fulfill the teaching assignment with good quality. And the FAD is a functional department of the college assigned to take charge of working procedure, reception, daily life management, security management, and working treatment of foreign teachers.

2. Routine Management

(1) In case that any help is needed in your daily life, please contact the FAD first without hesitation.

(2) If you go out of campus, we suggest that you shall be back before 23:00.

(3) You can refuse anyones visit after 21:30 p.m.

  If you do need to accommodate your relatives or friends in the department, please obtain permission from the FAD and register the guests information. Otherwise, accommodating anyone is not allowed.

(4) Do not ask for gifts from students and do not speak rudely.

(5) We also suggest that foreign teachers eat in school cafeterias  or at your department.

(6) When you go shopping, visit friends or have a holiday on weekends, please take good care of yourself and your property.

(7)You are entitled to Chinese statutory holidays, winter and

summer vacations during the contract period.

(8) In addition to activities organized by the college or local organizations, you can also travel by yourself during holidays or vacations on condition that they do not distract you from your teaching. If you plan to travel on holidays, you shall tell the FAD one week in advance about your destination.With the FAD permission, you need to sign the Agreement on asking for leave before you leave college. You are also required to report to the FAD about your exit-entry, including to or from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan so that we can make temporary lodging registration with the local police station. In the process of your trip, you need to keep alert and try to avoid drowning, food poisoning, accidents or belongings loss. If you go swimming, choose a well-equipped swimming pool. Make sure to bring your contact book along with you in order to keep in touch with the FAD when necessary. Besides, after coming back to school, please inform the FAD upon arrival.

(9) In case you need to ask for leave for personal reasons during working days, you shall obtain approval from Foreign Language Teaching Department and report to the FAD in advance. During the contract period, the accumulated private affairs leave shall not exceed ten working days. Furthermore, your continuous leave can not exceed three working days once. For those who violate the rules, the college has the right to terminate the contract. If you are not able to work because of illness, please show the disease certificate provided by relevant medical department.

(10) The college provides you with an apartment with a bedroom, a living room, a bathroom and a kitchen, which are equipped with AC, bathing, TV, computer, cooking utensils, furniture and bedding and other appliances. Please take care of all the property in your apartment and keep them clean. Use living facilities in a safe manner. Do not refit any electric wires or install any electric appliances without permission. Be cooperative with the FAD and Security Department for fire and theft prevention. Please save water and electricity. If you happen to damage the college’s property, you will pay the full price for anything damaged according to relevant regulation.

(11) Before foreign teachers leave as the contract expires, they are responsible for cleaning and maintenance of the appliances in the apartment offered. The FAD will conduct asset verification and confirmation prior to their leaving.

3. Safety Management

(1) Foreign Teachers shall abide by laws or regulations in China. Do not go to entertainment venues improper for teachers.

(2) Please avoid venturing risky activities or any activities that could cause trouble.

(3) The college shall not interfere with foreign teachers' freedom of religious belief, but foreign teachers are not allowed to use religion to engage in activities that interfere with China's educational system. Foreign teachers are not allowed to organize or hold religious activities on campus. It is strictly prohibited to spread religious ideas and develop followers on campus. It is strictly prohibited to establish religious groups and organizations, and it is strictly prohibited to wear religious clothing and symbols on campus. Those who violate the above regulations shall be punished in accordance with Chinese relevant laws and regulations.

(4) Before you leave the apartment, please check and turn off all necessary appliances such as taps, lights, gas, heating, door and windows. Be alert to fire alarms or theft potentials. We suggest that you economize on power and gas.

(5) When encountering personal and property safety issues, you can contact the Security Department and the FAD at any time, or call the local 110 emergency hotline.

4. Administrative Organization

The Administrative team members for managing the teaching of foreign teachers in Changzhi Medical College is listed as below:

Team Leader: Ms Yuhong Wang

Team Members: Ms Sumin Wang Ms Yu Zhao

Appendix: The Contact of Administrative Team Members

19 /September/2024

Changzhi Medical College

Security Department: 0355 – 3151494

FAD: 0355 – 3151098

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